Thursday, November 23, 2006

Something with the letter "B"

One time, I was with my friends and we were hungry.. We were thinking about getting delivery.. So I jumped from my place and told them, I want to order food from a place that starts with the letter "B".. suddenly i heard the word "BITZA"..o hek be kul 7amas and the person was saying it from all his heart :p I fell of the couch from laughing! My stomache hurt ad ma d7eket.. I had BK in mind..

Anyways, today I made pizza, for the first time ever.. and I think I'll call it Bitza from now on :) The bitza was great (e7em e7em ) but mom made the dough :$ but i did all the rest :p YESLMO HAL EDEIN ya Tama :)


Abdul Qader Miqdadi said...


Curly Wurly said...

Abed malo el yekun msh 3ajbak :p hehehe ,,,thaaaaanks 3al comment;)

Fadi said...

w nshalla ma tkooni blogger mn no3 abdul qader...u know the -never blog- blogger type ;P

Curly Wurly said...

fadii! thanks 3al comment ! dnt worry sar 3ndy 2alf mawdoo3 ! ana ba7ky kter ! fa wait to see the new posts

Pável said...

Oh my god...
I need to improve my english... I do not understand your words!
What a pitty!

Anyway I will be taking a look around here...

Good luck

Fadi said...

u need to see a tutor in "ARABISH" = (arabic english)

Pável said...

Oh my god!

I only speak Spanish, English and Spanglish... but not Arabish!!!


Anyway I will try to understand!

Please, be nice and give some kind of explanation for this guy!


Anonymous said...

YUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMY!i wans BEEETZA! hehe wishuu bitgooool??! in7arag il masnaa3?? hhehehe mwaa

Curly Wurly said...

GEEEEEEEEEEEE,,,, nawwar my blog! hun thanks 3al comment !!! mwa

Anonymous said...

this photo of bitza* she posted,she brought it at my b-day party,,,,thanks ya timo kan il bitza bishahi .... ppppiiizzzaaa..

Curly Wurly said...

fatoom hun anytime! :D hehe wait for the lazycake!