Tuesday, March 20, 2007

ive been tagged

Ive been tagged by amool

1- If there was a fire at your house and you could save only one thing (item) what would that be ?

itd be my folder that contains my artistic graphic prints, i believe they are the most precious thing i have as the art is an expression of your feelings but encoding it in a very nice way plus it reminds me of a period of time.

2- What is the most embarrassing situation you have been?

check my next post

3-3- If you can do over a part of your life, what will you change?

mmm thats hard, I try to live my life to the FULLEST and I learn from my mistakes, but if there were no mistakes I'd never learn. But if i must change something itll be knowing some sick people i met in the university .


Ta2e3 said...

waiting for your next post. plz ma ettawli....:D:D:D

Curly Wurly said...

ta2e3: check it now

Mrs. Al Ramahi said...

Thanks Tamtoom for answering the tag :)

Aham eshi your drawings 3shannek "fannaneh" I wonder what you will do with our room when I get married! hehe