Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Another Step Towards My Dream

I've always wanted to be a FASHION DESIGNER. Fashion design has been my only target since I've been in high school. I used to draw many designs and sketches. It has been haunting my mind and making me more determined in reaching my goal.

Then I delayed a whole semester just to study the major that is closest to my dream. And it is considered to be the basics that every artist or designer has to know in order to be knowledgeable in whatever he/ she wants to be specialized in, which in my case is fashion design.

Now, during my mid-term vacation, I'm training at a tailor place so I can know more about sizes, textiles, cuts… I am having so much fun plus I feel I'm doing something beneficial during this vacation, and of course I am going to complete training for 3 more months till I learn all the basics related to clothing and tailoring.

My next step is to take a scholarship (inshaAllah) so I can go to Italy, as some professors did recommend me for that scholarship. Moreover, dad has co-workers in Italy too that are in the fashion business, and he might send me there for training.

May God be with me and help me through reaching my goal. I really wish I can make it one day and be a great designer.


Mrs. Al Ramahi said...

Timmo, I realy wish you all the luck, coz i know how much you want to be a fashion designer. I give you all my support! You perfectly fit in that major, for anyone who knows you, or sees you talks about your style and the way you look into stuff in an artistic way (and how you notice all the fashion crimes). You make anything normal stylish, I think you will be eccentric. Go girl!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling we're going to hear about the next Jordanian top designer in a few years!

With that much energy, you can achieve your goal. It won't be easy, but never give up :)

Anonymous said...

i hope your dream will come true and become a big designer

good luck and the best wishes goes out for you

Abdul Qader Miqdadi said...

WOOHOOOOOOOOO!!! fashion design with that apartment full of buttons and threads! best of luck Ms. Teemo Tyallah ;)

Al Ramahi said...

Always keep your dream in front of your eyes, always work to achieve it. No one who works hard enough doesn't achieve their goal! Keep that in mind and the best of luck to you always :)

Curly Wurly said...

mrs. al ramahi:
thanks hun,,7abeebti MPWAAAAAAAA.

THANKS ALOT :D. min tummak la bab il sama hehe

manal yousef:

aqua phoenix:
inshallah ya rab , 2id3eeli:)

al ramahi:
7amdillah am workin really hard o inta shayef o 3aref hehe ,,3A RASI ya ramahi heheeh :P

Pável said...


You have linked me!!!

That is so great!!!!

Take care my dear friend!!!

Keep on going!
By the way you can go to my another blog... i have posted in English!!!


Anonymous said...

walek enti a7la designer bel dnya mpwaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :*